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Monographic Courses

Sun Printing

In this course we will learn sun printing techniques; chlorotype, anthotype and cyanotype, contact copying processes of organic and chemical origin in which sunlight is used to obtain images. We will experiment with the creation of images in their most primary forms, taking advantage of the photosensitive capabilities of plants and other organic elements. We will make anthotypes where the photosensitive emulsion comes directly from petals, fruits, roots, etc., while at the same time, we will explore the Chlorotype process creating images directly on plant leaves. A sustainable photography laboratory will be created that encourages the development of a project through reflective images regarding the concerns of each participant.
In the last part of the workshop we will make cyanotypes on absorbent, non-absorbent and bulky supports, using mainly paper, fabric, seashells and other materials that will be prepared beforehand. Finally, we will propose a collage exercise mixing techniques.


​+  6 Sessions

+  4 Workshops

+  2 Meetings

+  1 Chat with the artist to share material and answer questions




+  Teacher: Kimberly Halyburton

+  Dates: from April 8 to May 27

​This course is repeated in September and December

+ Duration: 12 teaching hours. Each student manages their time.

The meetings have schedules but it is not mandatory to participate

+  Level: no prior knowledge required

​+  Modality: pre-recorded online with 2 live meetings

+  Language: Spanish videos with English subtitles


​+  Price: 100 €



April 8!

Sun Printing Techniques:

Chlorotype - Anthotype - Cyanotype

01_Chlorophyll_Kimberly_Halyburton 180d
Cyanotype on shell_Concha de tu madre 2
07_KimberlyHalyburton_Antotipo_Beetroot 180d
010_KimberlyHalyburton_Antothype_Spirulina 180d




April 8, live online, ENG 19-21hs (Hora de España - GMT+2)

Meeting: Experimental photography: concepts, debates and techniques with​ Pablo Giori


SESSION 2: RE-THINKING AND RE-MIXING TECHNIQUES: Historical origin of chlorotype, antitype and cyanotype (19th century) and its rediscovery in the 20th century.

April 15, pre-recorded, you will receive an email with the course early in the morning.

- Welcome and presentation of the workshop.
- Theoretical content: Historical origin of chlorotype, anthotype and cyanotype s XIX.
- Rediscovery of techniques s XX.
- Rethink and remix organic techniques.
- Reflection on the use of vegetables in photography.
- Chemical components and use of cyanotype.
- Materials and tools necessary for each process.
- Digital and analogue negatives, where to get material and how to prepare them.
- Use of different supports and their characteristics.
- Sunlight and artificial UV light.
- Introduction to chlorotype: initial sizing exercise.


SESSION 3: SUSTAINABLE PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESSES. Science and chemistry in chlorotype.

April 22, pre-recorded, you will receive an email with the course early in the morning.

- Review of theoretical content sustainable photographic processes.
- Science and chemistry in chlorotype.
- Preparation of contact presses.
- How to get better results in chlorotype.
- Review of previously performed results.
- Optimal characteristics of the support.
- Practical activity chlorotype with spinach leaves.
- Process tips.



May 6, pre-recorded, you will receive an email with the course early in the morning.

- Review of theoretical content photographic processes by pigment.
- Chemistry of colour.
- Review of previously performed results.
- Preparation of papers and possibilities.
- How to obtain better results in anthotype?
- Anthotype practical activity in powder, with vegetables and roots.
- Current references.
- Results review and job scanning.



May 13, pre-recorded, you will receive an email with the course early in the morning.

- Content review about cyanotype.
- Mixture of chemicals, proportions and variations.
- Tools and materials needed.
- Step-by-step procedure.
- Introduction to cyanotype: Preparation of supports.
- Negative editing using Photoshop and online apps.
- Methods for working absorbent supports (paper, cloth, wood), with volume, and non-absorbent supports.
- Collage-type composition using a mixture of techniques.



May 27, live online, ENG 19-21hs (Spain Time - GMT+2)

Presentations of student work, viewing of references and dynamics with questions

Kim 1 copia.jpg

PROFESSOR: Kimberly Halyburton @kimsophie_


Kimberly Halyburton Fuster (1990, Valparaíso, Chile) is a teacher and visual artist who develops her work in experimental photography. She has a Master's Degree in Photographic Research and Creation, she specializes in artisanal and sustainable emulsions. She uses archival material seeking to represent the image of women from remote times and thus contrast and make visible current social concerns. She uses pinhole photography to record the natural landscape. She has developed a critical look at her vulnerable state, she seeks to show her beauty and her alteration, through small subtleties that make her permanence question.
In 2022, she published the photobook Metabolic made in cyanotype and printed in risography and has been part of collective publications on experimental photography such as Re Source del Sustainable Darkroom and ¿Qué historias podemos contar? of the Art Warehouse, Buenos Aires. She has exhibited her work collectively in Chile and virtually on platforms such as Arte al límite, Aeonian Magazine, Analog Forever, Alternative Processes, Alternative Photography, among others.


- The courses are repeated in September and December. Whenever you want to work on a personal project, you can enter the Mentorship Experimental Project course if there are places available.


- It is possible to finance the cost of the course in instalments. Send us an email for more details


- The contents of all the courses will be available until September 1, 2024.


- Ágora reserves the right to modify aspects of the content if it deems it necessary. 


- The economic and administrative management of the Ágora is the responsibility of the Experimentalphotofestival non-profit association and the workshops purchased are non-refundable. All courses carry a VAT of 21% included in the price. During the payment process, you will be asked for a Passport number, NIE/NIF/CIF that must be provided solely and exclusively for accounting and tax matters. 


If you have doubts, write to us!

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