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What are we?

EXPERIENCE AND TEST. Experimentalphotofestival is a non-profit cultural association that aims to create, promote and disseminate experimental photography in all its forms. To this end, we consider it essential to create an international community of artists who can support each other, recognize each other on an equal footing and create shared projects.


Our way of thinking and organizing the festival is based on the belief that it is through experimentation and testing that the full exercise of equality, freedom and creativity is exercised. We want to create spaces for creation, reflection and the exchange of knowledge where proximity prevails between artists from all over the world that stimulate and provide feedback on their practices.


The time has come to put the experimental as an attitude in the center of photography.

This artistic practice has existed, resisted and insisted since the very creation of photography, and its fertile ground has been the peripheries, where the canons of the established and the absolute truths do not reach. Our intention is to strengthen and spread our own story by offering the experimental artistic community a space in which to exhibit their works, thoughts and share their techniques, their searches and concerns. We are an association in permanent search of different expressions from a transdisciplinary perspective, since we understand that photography is nourished by film, video, painting, architecture, music, sculpture, dance and other artistic and social expressions.


The Experimental Photo Festival is the culmination of the annual work of a large number of artists who take advantage of this moment of pause to meet, share knowledge and create shared projects. The International Experimental Photography Festival is possible thanks to the support of the Institut d'Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya and the Pati Llimona Civic Centre and the tireless work of a team of 14 people and 40 volunteers. Every year, more than 300 international artists and photography lovers meet with the aim of generating a common space to share, learn and discuss experimental photography in its many facets: from the creation of cameras, lenses and films to the processes of printing, intervention and production of copies, exhibitions and photobooks. Among the activities organised are discussion panels, presentations of projects and experiences, collective laboratories of photographic projects, workshops and collective and individual exhibitions.


The future is experimental and nonconformist and is in dialogue with other arts, in the mixture of languages and projects. Experimentation is experience rather than results.

About us



Graduate in languages, arts and cultures, graphic designer and photographer (95% self-taught). Doctor in falling asleep early. She has been using disposable cameras since '98 and her goal is to spread empathy, inclusivity and introduce new artists. Pizza lover, Facebook hater.


Co-director, in charge of design, dissemination, editorial and back office


With a PhD in Contemporary History, a master's degree in Communication and a master's degree in Cultural Studies, he serves as co-director of the International Festival of Experimental Photography and Agora, School of Experimentation, combining academic knowledge with practical experience. His mission is to inspire transformative change through teaching and cultural management to understand the future of photography.


Co-director, in charge of the program, budget and subsidies



Half chemical engineer, half self-taught photographer. Editor and collaborator in the cultural magazine Le Cool Barcelona and the magazine Instant Photographers. Traveler without borders. Addicted to concerts, street art, pineapple pizza and Angela Davis' lectures. In love with the city of Barcelona from the first day, she never tires of wandering through its streets with her Polaroid camera.


In charge of artists, virtual exhibitions and content


Person, passionate about technology and fond of photography. He loves listening to music, traveling and getting to know new cultures and people, and learning, never stops learning. Always ready to help.


In charge of registration and new technologies



He completed a Master's degree in Cultural Management, a Bachelor's degree in Art Management, and is a Advanced Technician in Photographic Imaging. He founded the Terrero Rev laboratory, specializing in analog photography, where he supported artists in their projects and conducted research on the materiality of photosensitive processes. His interest is focused on contributing to the deepen of cultural democracy through photography. He tries to live by the philosophy that nothing is lost, everything transforms.


In charge of the website, accounting tasks, subsidies, materials, and workshops


Passionate photographer with a degree in Photography Direction. Photographer, workshop leader and technician at La Revelona, a laboratory and production company, of which he is the creator. Bathroom baritone (he has a shower; his voice is missing). He firmly believes in experimentation and testing as a means for art to constantly question itself. Proud owner of a Hotmail email account.


Responsible for workshops, materials and international conflicts



Chilean architect dedicated to heritage and landscape, Master in Cultural Management. He began photography out of innocence and ended up framing his world in 35mm. She is a member of Cooperativa Atkins, a community of photographers and alternative processes founded in Valparaíso. Pilgrim of parties and birthdays, afraid of piñatas and hard sports, taster of thresholds and corners, inevitably moved by good intentions.


In charge of workshops and artists


Pota blava by birth and inveterate traveler. She has been capturing moments for as long as she can remember.. Dreamer, brave, fighter and strong, very strong. Sushi monster. Administrator and founder of Grisphoto and Estudi25.


In charge of dissemination and director of the photography department



Graduate in Theater, multifaceted producer and Master's student in Cultural Management in Barcelona. Transfeminist and vegetarian by conviction. Lover and activist of the bonds created and watered from love.


In charge of exhibition and stand production


He studied for 3 years to be an aeronautical mechanic, but no, analogue photography, laboratory processes and experimentation led him to work as a "lab-guy" developing film and experimenting with anything.
Lover of patatas bravas and dystopian books.


In charge of virtual exhibitions and workshops



Self-taught par excellence, he has studied and worked simultaneously in photography, film, early childhood education, cocktails, car mechanics, theater, and wrestling was on his mind. Soul of a swallow, tongue of a parrot (because it is talkative, not because it is harsh) and the stomach of a mouse. And since four eyes see more than two, she hits the REC instead of the SHOOT.


In charge of dissemination and director of the audiovisual production department


She studied physics and humanities, but is actually a colony monitor. Equal parts teacher and mother, he cycles from end to end of Barcelona every day. Crazy about her family and friends, she likes to read, dance, laugh, learn and try new things all the time. He researches urban art things and is dying to do something one day, who knows... 


In charge of coordination in Ágora and responsible for the volunteers

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