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Animation with Thermic Paper Cameras with Sibux




2 hours

About the workshop

Thermal paper cameras are inexpensive and easy to use. Sibux suggests you go one step further with these images, intervening in them and creating an animation with several of these images. The proposal is very free and experimental!

+  Where: Online (at home)

+  Date: You can see your course whenever you want

+  Access: You will receive an email with all the information and the invitation to our Telegram chat

Your teacher

Sibux (David Pérez), started his Sibux Photography project in 2019, where he develops his work as a photographer and also as a trainer and educator. He currently combines photo shoots with his work as a creative photography trainer and is in the creative process of several exhibition projects. His work is based mainly on experimental photography, and his images are the result of the intervention and/or modification of photographic cameras, lenses or photographic films with the use of masks and filters. Double exposure, lightpainting and filmsoup are some of the techniques he uses in his creative process, a process that he enjoys and controls from start to finish.

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