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Economic transparency


If the Experimental Photo Festival 2024 is a success of participation, each of the 14 area workers will receive 300 euros (+ 50 in food and 50 in festival products) for having worked 4 hours a week for 10 months. According to the minimum wage in Spain, they should be paid 1.650 euros. The directors and the person in charge of the graphic design will receive 5,500 euros for having worked 20 hours a week for 12 months, for which they should be paid 9,580 euros each. This means that, on average, the fourteen workers will receive one of every five hours invested in the production of the festival, all the rest is voluntary work. We consider it vitally important to be able to pay our workers to dignify their work and that they want to continue investing their efforts year after year in making this an increasingly experimental festival. If the minimum number of participants to cover expenses (170) is not registered for the festival, the directors will bear the debt. In our festival, 89 people receive compensation (35 artists, 14 workers and 40 volunteers) for 170 people who pay to register; for this reason, we cannot make more than a symbolic payment to all of them.


Of each registration of 180 euros: 22% is allocated to the fifty one invited artists to cover their expenses; 13% is paid to the spaces as rent; 13% to the direction and graphic design; 8% is spent on the objects that the participants receive (tote bag, program, etc.); 8% in materials are used for workshops; 7% in banking, platform and management commissions; 7% in workers responsible for areas; 7% in exhibitions; 5in the streaming for the online festival; 5% in the forty volunteers (who are not paid but are given the festival products, free food and workshops) and; 5% in various aspects (advertising, website, insurance, technology, roaming, transport, incidentals, meals).


Does the price of 180 euros for a registration seem expensive to you? We have calculated that in the case of paying all the workers for the hours they dedicate to the festival, the real cost would be 310 euros.


In this table which is updated automatically, you can see all the income and expenses of the festival.

Gender equality

We join the protocol of Not Without Photographers, committing ourselves to have at least 40% women in our activities.

Where do the participants come from?

in Barcelona WE ARE

online WE ARE

It updates automatically

+ 35 artists for workshops and conferences
+ 15 artists exhibiting
+ 9 artists in residence
+ 14 organizers
+ 30 volunteers
= 103 workers

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