UNITED STATES - JAPAN | @edophotojp
Edward Levinson
Born in Richmond, Virginia, USA, Edward began living in Japan in 1979 and has been active there as a fine art and editorial photographer since 1985. He is especially well known for his pinhole photography. His publication "Timescapes Japan" (Nippon Camera, 2006) received an award at the Prix de la Photography Paris 2007. Other pinhole photo publications include "Moments in the Light," "Mind Games," "Silhouette Stories," and "Spots of Light – Tokyo" (Solo Hill Books 2017, 2019). His short pinhole movies "Tokyo Story" and "Paris de Light" were Official Selections at six film competitions, winning several awards. Edward’s photographs have been regularly exhibited in Japan, the U.S.A., and Europe since 1994 and are in various museum and private collections. He has authored publications such as "Whisper of the Land" (Fine Line Press 2014) and "Balloon on Fire" (Cyberwit.net 2019), among others. Edward has done pinhole photography since 1993. This includes his personal works as well as leading countless workshops with both children and adults.