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Do you have a project but do not know how to continue? Do you think you lack technical and conceptual tools? Do you need to share it to make it grow? Do you need references and inspiration but don't know where to find them? These mentorships with our co-director, Pablo Giori, allow students to work individually on their projects, from the stage of learning techniques and conceptualization to formalization, production and dissemination. With a Master's degree in Communication, a PhD in Contemporary History, 10 years of experience working in Archives with photographic heritage and 5 years co-directing the festival and the Ágora, School of Experimentation, our co-director has a lot to contribute to your project.

The first is always to see at what point your project is to find ways to delve into it from an experimental point of view. It is essential to seek and master the technique but also the message we want to work on and the way to spread it. Creating a book, an exhibition, a blog or an Instagram account is not the same.


Topics to work according to student needs:

- Contemporary and historical experimental references that can enrich our gaze

- Theoretical books, fundamental techniques and photobooks in the world of experimental photography

- History of experimentation, from Aristotle to post-photography

- Chart with the 96 Experimental Techniques and how to select the right one for our work

- Think about the message and content: What story does your project tell? Is the message consistent with the form?

- The forms our work can take: books, exhibitions, workshops, conferences, web publishing, Instagram, blog, 3D experiences, etc. We will think about the right amount of images in each format and work on the narrative sequencing

- Editorial communication: how to edit a photobook 

- Digital communication: how to spread the project on the Internet (web, social networks, features, virtual exhibitions, etc.)

- How to make a really experimental exhibition? One thing is our images and quite another is to be able to create experimentation in the exhibition of it. This is the next step that we have been reflecting on for years since the festival. The best space for our exhibition (this conditions production and assembly), best favourable dates, budget, conceptualization, selection of the project and the works, printing techniques and supports for the works, discourse and curatorial text, dissemination (press, web and social networks), disassembly, how to store and transport the works

Experimental projects
Experimental Monitoring
Experimental Mentorship

pH: @artofrma + @manuel_limay_incil + Andrew Davidhazy



Meetings via Zoom


Date and time to be decided


Limited places


Price: one hour for € 50 or 5 hours for € 200


Language: English


marcela moncada
lucia calabrino
Pablo Giori Experimental

PROFESOR: Pablo Giori @pablo.giori

Founder and co-director of the Experimentalphotofestival Association: Experimental 2023 and Ágora, school of experimentation.


Bachelor of Letters (Classical Philology) from the National University of Tucumán (Argentina); Master's Degree in Communication and Cultural Studies from the University of Girona (Spain) and in Strategic Communication from the University of Tarragona (Spain), both with scholarships; PhD in Contemporary History from the University of Girona with a comparative study between Spain and Canada. He speaks 4 languages. Since the beginning of the Agora, he has accompanied more than 40 artists from all over the world in the development of their projects.
He is a specialist in the management, conservation, digitization and dissemination of photographic heritage and has worked for three years in the Image Area of the National Archive of Catalonia. He has curated 21 exhibitions of different projects in various countries in Europe and Latin America. He has published three books, including the photobook Unexpected Inhabitants. 12 key ideas for making double exposures and exchanging reels (2018), the photographic biography of Pere Català i Pic. Photography, publicity, avant guard and literature (1889-1971) and all the festival catalogues of EXP.20, EXP.21 and EXP.22.

​- It is possible to finance the cost of these workshops in instalments. Send us an email for more details


- The contents of all the courses will be available until September 1, 2024.


- Ágora reserves the right to modify aspects of the content if it deems it necessary. 


- The economic and administrative management of the Ágora is the responsibility of the Experimentalphotofestival non-profit association and the workshops purchased are non-refundable. All courses carry a VAT of 21% included in the price. During the payment process, you will be asked for a Passport number, NIE/NIF/CIF that must be provided solely and exclusively for accounting and tax matters. 


If you have doubts, write to us!

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