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Invited artists 
to give workshops and conferences

EXTENDED Until November 10th

Between October 14 and November 10, 2024, we open the call to anyone interested in giving workshops, conferences and debate spaces at Experimental Photo Festival 2025, to be held in ​Barcelona, ​from July 23 to 27, 2025. The results will be communicated individually by email from December 1

The selected artists will be officially invited to participate in the festival and do not have to register or pay, but will be given 600€ distributed as follows:

.The accommodation for 6 days in our residence (280€) plus 50€ or financial compensation of 330€*

.A ticket to receive a 4hs workshop (80€)

.The official merchandising: tote bag, t-shirt and photobooks (40€)

.The lunch of the five days (50€)

.100 euros to take Agora, School of Experimentation, courses


*To make the payment we need you to give us an invoice or various expense tickets (accommodation, transportation or food) for that amount. In the case of having more than 300 participants, the excess money of the organization will be divided among all the selected artists, workers and volunteers.


As can be seen on our economic transparency webpage, in our festival 94 people receive financial compensation (50 artists, 14 workers and 30 volunteers) for 232 people who pay to register.


Our approach to experimentation goes through the crossing between disciplines and we will evaluate proposals related to photography, but also with photobooks, cinema, video, architecture, sculpture, dance, etc., from an experimental point of view. For us, all festival participants are the same and come to share, teach and learn; some giving workshops, others conferences, and others showing their work in exhibitions.


During the festival, we set out three challenges that organize our experimental practice and that must be reflected in the proposals you send:


How does each of the techniques you know play with the photosensitivity of materials? What if we mix them all together and them with other sciences such as biology, computer science, mathematics, or physics? We will create the images of the future by mixing known aspects until discover new realities, previously impossible to think.


The images are not only aesthetic, they are concept, message, project, and narrative. Think about the content and the form and their relationship: both have to go hand in hand to enhance the expressive sense. There is a lot of play and experience in experimentation, but it also has to make sense, follow an idea, and pose a reflection.


In our community, we are more than 45k artists and we know each other more and more, but why not write to that person who makes you fall in love with their work to propose to work together? Each artist has their projects and their conceptual and aesthetic searches, but have you ever thought about what would happen if you created something new in dialogue with another person?

General rules

  • All those selected artists must be at Pati Llimona Civic Center on Tuesday, July 22, 2025, in the morning to prepare the workshops, check the materials, review the technical needs and learn about the spaces and the other conference participants.


  • Upon being accepted as invited artists, they will be sent a mandatory signature contract with the conditions stated here and other details. This contract will stipulate the method of payment of financial compensation and the transfer of image and intellectual property rights in favour of the Experimentalphotofestival Association.


  • Among the artists, works of different experimental techniques will be selected to make the official posters of the festival. Our community is built by word of mouth, which is why we always appreciate that you help us with the dissemination in your networks of contacts.


  • The festival does not organize parallel activities during the week before and after the event and we ask the invited artists not to plan them either.

Workshops and conferences

​The Experimental Photo Festival 2025 opens a free open call to select 35 invited artists who want to develop workshops and conferences during the festival. Read carefully the following rules and conditions of participation before sending the proposals:


. The jury that decides the invited artists is made up of the workers of the Association. The first selection is made by them without the participation of its directors and programmers, so subjective criteria are not used, and later the proposals that fit into the program are finally decided according to the possibilities of the times and spaces. This double process requires time, so we ask for your patience. When we have a decision, we will communicate it to you personally by mail. The selection will be carried out following four criteria in order of importance: 1) adaptation to the challenges, 2) gender equality, 3) novelty in terms of the proposal and 4) diversity to have artists from all areas of experimental photography.


. Each selected artist will develop during the festival two workshops, one introductory of a technique (4 hours) and another professional (8 hours) based on the ideas of the three challenges and a conference or panel discussion on any experimental topic. The idea is that in the longer workshop, the participants have time not only to demonstrate the process but also to create something, obtain a result and think about how to present it. The selected artists can also exhibit their work using the same technique they use in their workshops. The proposal can be sent via the form and, if accepted, a payment of 100 euros will be made to compensate for the costs of production and/or transport of the work.


. To send your proposal you have to download document (1), fill it in detail and upload it together with your personal information (2). It is very important to give all the necessary explanations it since the successful organization of the 60 workshops depends on the proposals being correctly formulated. You will be asked about the activity, the challenge it meets, the necessary conditions of the space (water, light, computer and projector, etc.) and the materials with a budget that you would need for a workshop of 8 people.


. Each workshop must conform to a budget (50 euros) since all the expenses of the workshops are borne by the Experimentalphotofestival Association. In the event that the artist wants to bring their own materials, we can refund the money if they present us with a purchase receipt for the material used. When preparing a proposal, it must be taken into account that the available darkrooms are limited, for which reason it is recommended to propose their use only if it is essential. Most of the workshop spaces are classrooms that can be darkened, where there are tables and a projector.


. The conferences and debate tables last a maximum of an hour and a half in a room for 40-80 people with the possibility of projecting images from a computer belonging to the association. In these, debates, dialogues between artists or reflections on experimental photography can be raised and are usually developed by two or three artists, according to a proposal by the festival or by the artists themselves. The conferences will be accessible worldwide through the online festival.​


. Since our goal is to create a community and engage in a sincere dialogue between all the participants, the invited artists should be present during all the days of the festival.


. When planning the conferences and discussion tables, the festival reserves the right to invite participants to be part of them, explaining their work, without changing their status as participants.



You must download the form (1), and then submit the application with the following information:


  1. the text of your biography of a maximum of 250 words in your language;

  2. a PDF dossier about your work;

  3. a selection of 10 images of your work in JPG (10 MB maximum);

  4. the form with PDF proposals to carry out the workshops (with the list and estimated price of materials for 8 people), the conferences and the exhibition;

  5. a high-quality portrait in JPG.



See you in Barcelona!

General conditions 


Registration in this call entails automatic acceptance of the following rules:


  1. The artists give the Experimentalphotofestival Association the non-exclusive right to distribute and reproduce the photographs sent digitally (always indicating the name of the photographer and the title of the work) for promotion (for example: newsletters, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, the festival websites, Ágora, IEFC, Centro Cívico Pati Llimona, and the galleries where the exhibitions are held), for exhibition, educational and commercial purposes. No royalties or compensation will be paid for these purposes. The photographer retains all copyright and ownership rights in the works. However, please also note that third parties such as educational institutions, journalists, search engines or individuals may download, save, store or archive images from our website with or without our knowledge. The Experimentalphotofestival Association will have no control over such downloading and subsequent use and therefore cannot accept responsibility for such use. The artists assume and accept all legal and financial responsibility for any infringement of the privacy, property or copyright rights of others, caused by the creation or presentation of their work in public.

  2. The artists assign their image rights to the Experimentalphotofestival Association and it does not have the power to assign them to third parties without express consent. By registering, they authorize it to capture, reproduce and disseminate the images of the festival where their person is in still image or video format without geographical or temporal limitation and free of charge.

  3. The Experimentalphotofestival Association reserves the right to exclude from the festival those dossiers and artists who violate the general conditions of participation or who violate our values, copyright, and human or privacy rights.

  4. The Experimentalphotofestival Association is the organizer of the Experimental Photo Festival and the Ágora, School of Experimentation, which means that the assignment of rights to the association automatically allows its use by both events.

  5. The Experimentalphotofestival Association reserves the right to make changes to the program until the last moment.






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